Nicole is a qualified Kinesiologist and Mind Body Medicine Practitioner, and a certified meditation facilitator and Buteyko Breathing Practitioner. 

Using the skills from these three practices, Nicole’s goal is to help clients balance their mental, physical, and emotional health.

Kinesiology explores the connection between the mind and body and helps clients examine and unravel stress in their bodies that impacts them mentally, physically, and emotionally.

Nicole and other practitioners hold regular “afternoon urban retreats”, exploring the ways people can integrate mediation into their daily lives to reduce stress, improve concentration, focus and wellbeing.

After suffering sleep apnoea and side effects of dysfunctional breathing personally, Nicole trained as a Buteyko Breathing in 2021.  Learning to reset your breathing can have a significant positive impact on your health and help with conditions such as anxiety, insomnia, and asthma. 

Nicole works with individuals, groups and businesses and is based in Sydney.

Before deciding to follow her passion working in mind body medicine, she worked as a corporate accountant for many years.