An urban retreat …

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an afternoon urban retreat – chakra alignment & balancing series 2024

Join us for an afternoon of self-care and inner exploration at our next afternoon urban retreat.  Our next four retreats will be focused on the four higher chakras of heart, throat, third-eye and crown


According to traditional teachings, there are seven main chakras aligned along the spine, from the base to the crown of the head. Each chakra is associated with specific qualities, characteristics, and functions, including physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects. The chakras are believed to regulate the flow of subtle energy, throughout the body.

During the afternoon urban retreat, we will teach you some techniques (meditation, journalling, mindfulness or movement) for activating and balancing your chakras.  Each retreat will conclude with sound bath focused on the specific chakra of the month.

Chakra alignment and balancing can

  • Enhance energy
  • Improve your clarity and focus
  • Relief stress or the feeling of being stuck
  • Provide for more relaxation and improved sleep

Each afternoon urban retreat includes:

  • Guided chakra meditations
  • A deep dive into the activation, balancing and specific learnings of each chakra
  • Mindfulness work and/or journalling exercises
  • A beautiful soothing and healing sound bath



Yogaruka, 289 Lyons Road, Russell Lea


  • 23rd June 2024 – Third Eye Chakra
  • 21st July 2024 – Crown Chakra


$100 pp + booking fee – including healthy afternoon tea

$180 pp + booking fee – for any 2 retreats, a discount of 10%



  • Yoga mat and a cushion/pillow
  • Water bottle
  • Journal & pen
  • Wear comfortable clothes you can move in
  • Bring socks, jumper, eye pillow and any other items you wish to have to make yourself comfortable during the sound bath and mediations

This event is a collaboration between Anastasia of Genesis of Health and Nicole from Kinesiology Matters.